If you own a retail business, you know very well that your work is never done when it comes to the retail signage inside your store. Effectively marketing your products and brands is a never-ending process that must be monitored, in some cases, weekly. Successful retailers make sure their retail signage is as fresh as the products they are selling.
As time goes on, it becomes more and more evident that what retailers are really selling is the shopping experience and not necessarily the products on their shelves. Consumers are fickle and it has been proven by numerous studies that sensory satisfaction is directly linked to sales. If a customer does not enjoy their experience, they are less likely to shop at that establishment in the future.
An enormous aspect to the shopper’s experience is the point of purchase displays that retailers place in their stores. Because there is often a very regimented rotation of retail signage in these stores, businesses must get creative as to where they place their point of purchase displays to not only keep their environment looking fresh, but to also entice their customers into making that impulse buy.
Below are some suggestions for location of point of purchase displays that are underutilized:
These are retail signs that hang vertically off of a shelf and physically stick out into the aisle, hence the name “invaders.” They invade the space that is normally set aside for the consumer and by doing so they draw attention to the products on the shelves. Holidays are a great time to utilize invaders. Check out the Christmas invaders we did for Ralphs Grocery.
If you’re not utilizing the space at the end of each aisle for a point of purchase display, then you’re missing out on extremely valuable advertising real estate. If you think in terms of your own shopping experience, it is very unlikely that you go down every aisle, however, there’s a good chance that almost every shopper passes every aisle. Capitalize on this traffic with point of purchase displays at the end of every aisle. The Discover Local aisle endcap point of purchase displays we did for Fry’s Food Stores are vibrant and eye-catching.
Prepare to see more of these in the future. Retailers are using every single square inch of advertising space, and because of that, floor clings are in demand. Recently, we installed floor clings in sixteen Kroger divisions just in time for the holidays.
Our skilled team is completely focused on providing awesome service, especially when it comes to our specialties of retail signage/displays, corporate decor, and vehicle fleet wraps. Call us today at 866-907-8438 to learn more about our capabilities and how we can help you create and properly install your next project.